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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten Favorite Book that Take Place in Romania/Transylvania/Hungary

Top Ten Tuesday is a Meme hosted by the excellent Broke and Bookish. This week I am featuring my 10 favorite books places in..... A SETTING OF MY CHOOSING! WOOT! WOOT!
I have chosen by top ten favorite books that take place in Romania/Transylvania/Hungary

1) Well it has just got to be Dracula, doesn't it?

2.) Dark Prince by Christeen Feehan
3.) Stoker's Manuscript

4.) Soul of an Angel by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
5.) Wildwood Dancing

6.)The Historian (it must be said I am currently reading this and loving it.)
7.) The Blood Countess
8.) The Blood Confession

9. Prince of Twilight
10. Dracula the Un-Dead


  1. Whoa...didn't know so many books took place there. I like it. The Blood Confessions looks interesting. Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

  2. Great setting! I never thought of that (and probably couldn't come up with 10). I haven't read any of those books, but they look good. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wildwood Dancing is one of my favorites!


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