One pill every 7 hours, could give Chanel the chance to finally see the world around her. Chanel is a independent nineteen year old, despite what her overprotective mother and senator father may think. Being the daughter of a senator comes with it’s own problems, a simple afternoon out with friends soon becomes overwhelming when reporters swarm around Chanel.
Keeping her secret of the effects pills close to her chest she is able to fool everyone, expect for her hawk eye bodyguard that has now been assigned to protect her.
Chanel doesn’t want a bodyguard, but will she get more than she bargained for?
I received a copy of this novella in return for an honest review
First off let me say I don't normally read books like this, fiction genre is not my typical cup of tea. However I enjoyed the author's last novel so I was excited to read her newest work.
I really enjoyed the original concept of a blind character, and wish that the plot hadn't revolved around Chanal getting her sight back. The author did a wonderful job researching what it is like to be blind; for example Chanal folds all her money differently based on what amount the bill is. This is an actual technique the seeing impaired use.
However (unless you read the blurg) you wouldn't know until the middle of the second chapter that Chanal is blind, she describes her room at one point and the word blind isn't even used until the middle of chapter 2. It is referred to as her condition. I think it might have been a good idea to mention right away her blindness.
Chanal is a great character, she is strong, independent and interesting. I enjoyed her a lot, though all the secondary characters felt flat in comparison.
The plot is a bit slow, but once it picks up the story just flies, a quick, easy and fun read. The love story between the MC and her body guard Leon is adorable, though him being a body guard was a little unbelievable. He's a Senator's son with a dramatic ex girlfriend. No way would another Senator hire him to protect his disabled daughter.
This novella was way different than the other novel by Ms. Kerner- no magic or fantasy ( though a little science fiction with the mystery pills the MC takes). It was a simple read, not overly complicated. There is no insta-love and no love triangles, just a good ole fashion fiction romance about a girl who falls for her body guard.
This was a sweet novel and I'm glad I got the chance to read it.