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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten Books That Take Place NOT in the USA

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly Meme hosted by the brilliant Broke and Bookish. This week we are focusing on our top novels that took place outside of the USA.

This was a hard list for me, because I honestly haven't read that many novels like this. Books that take place in alternate dimension, or made up realms, sure....Books where the characters live in different countries...not so much.Oh, and I tried for some diversity since most of the novels I read not in the USA take place in England.

1)Ghost of a Chance by Simon R Green- England

2) Drop of Night by Stephen Bachmann- France

3) The Midnight Dress by Karen Foxlee- Australia

4) White is For Witching by Helen Oyeyemi - England

5) Stoker's Manuscript by Royce Prouty- Romania

6)Dating Hamlet by Lisa Fiedler- Denmark

7)The Blood Confession by Alisa Libby -Hungary

8)Prince of the Air and Darkness by Jeanne Rose- Scotland or Ireland (I can't remember.)

9) The Secret's of Sebastian Beaumont- South America

10) Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton- Costa Rica