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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

TOP TEN TUESDAY- Top Ten Characters that remind me of....ME

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
This week it is the top ten characters that remind you of yourself.
I have gone with ANY fictional character. 

The vampire Lestat

The Brides of Dracula

Blue the Velociraptor 

John Taylor from the Nightside

Princess Cimorene

                                                           Crowley King of Hell

                                                      Lorelai Gilmore

                                                    Morticia Adams

                                                        Pru Halliwell

                                                     Regina Mills


  1. Thanks for stopping by my TTT!
    If I had opened mine up to non-bookish characters, I would have picked Lorelai, too!

  2. What a great post. It really fits the theme of your site.

    My TTT.

  3. This is an awesome list! (Princess Cimorene! How did I forget about her!)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Love Blue the Velociraptor.....so creative!!

  6. This is such a fun list! I love the Addams Family.

  7. What a great list! :-) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  8. that started pretty intense haha

  9. Great ideas! I would love to know why you picked some of them - like Lestat, is it the teeth? ;) Adore that Lorelai is on the list. YASSSSS.

  10. Blue! XD This is such a great post.


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