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Friday, June 28, 2013

ARC Mini Review- Monsters in Your Neighborhood -Jesse Petersen

As one of Frankenstein’s Creatures, Natalie Gray knows that unique parts sometimes make up a great whole. Still, leading a diverse support group for monsters—now including Cthulhu!—isn’t an easy task. Especially not since the internet arrived.

New York City embraces the different and the bizarre. Still, even for such a fun-loving city, the supernatural and monstrous might be a bit too much. It’s been six months since the members of “Club Monstrosity” overcame the most recent spate of anti-monster violence and they’ve reestablished their routine of meeting in a church basement once a week to (ugh!) talk about their feelings. Still, they also know a war against them is brewing.

Natalie and Alec (the werewolf) have begun dating, and the mummies Kai and Rehu are tighter than a bug in a…well, bandage. But when modern means (YouTube, Twitter, bits and bytes) are used to chilp away at the solidarity of these ancient monsters, it’s up to Natalie to save the day. #MonstersInNewYork may be trending on Twitter, but this girl’s trending toward saving the day…somehow.

              This was an ARC given to me for an honest review   Monsters in Your Neighborhood was a funny, clever, darling novel. I received this ARC not having read the first one and was a little nervous I would need to go back and read the first to understand this.

However the author did a great job and reviewing what had happened in the previous book without it being boring, and telling me about the characters without needing a TON of detail and a crap load of info dumping. I was never lost or confused.

I found the characters to be interesting and colorful, their individual personalities really shown. I mean who doesn’t love the image of a one fanged Dracula living in a pent house?

The plot line was good, if not a little predictable, it played with the age old problem of fearing what you do not understand. The villains were unremarkable but worked for the story’s basic idea.

This was a fun, easy read I that highly recommend.

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