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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Top Ten Books I Would Recomend to....

Top Ten YA Books I Would Recommend to my Daughter when she is a teenager

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by: http://brokeandbookish.blogspot.in/

1) Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C Wrede- This series is one of the best and actually makes a lot of my top ten lists

2) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets- technically my daughter has already read the first three of these novels…but I think Harry Potter is an important part of our culture now.

3) Twilight- Yeah I know it totally sucks, but in that guilty pleasure kind of way. It too is a HUGE part of our culture I don’t want her to feel left out. I mean I read them, after all

4) Some Quiet Place by Kelsey Sutton- this was the BEST YA book I read this year and I would want to be able to talk to my daughter about how much I loved this book you can find my review of it here if you are curious:http://hauntedgravebooks.blogspot.com/2013/08/some-quiet-place-kelsey-sutton.html

5) Strands of Bronze and Gold by Jane Nickerson- this was a great blue beard retelling and the writing was really great. I think my daughter would enjoy this. My Review is here:

6) Thirteenth Child by Patricia C Wrede- this author is just amazing, this book is like Harry Potter meets Oregon Trail, just too awesome to miss out on.

7) Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama- I want my daughter to know not all stories are happily ever after, but that doesn’t mean the writing has to suck. My Review here:

8) The Grave Yard Book by Neil Gaiman- possibly more middle grade fiction, but this was a funny, dark coming of age book that takes place in a cemetery!

9) Vampire Kisses Book 1 by Ellen Schreiber- because this is the kind of vampire teen book I love, silly, playful and full of happy gothy nonsense.

10) Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier- I don’t even know what to say about this fairy/frog prince/12 dancing princesses book….accept I have read it five times, it’s beautiful and I love it.

Bright Blessings


  1. Great list. Love that HP, Twilight, and The Graveyard Book made this list!

  2. I haven't read a single one of these :-( I know, not even Harry Potter.
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT

  3. I haven't heard of many of these but I did start Wildwood Dancing a few years ago. It just wasn't for me. I hope your daughter likes them when she reads them.

  4. Strands of Bronze and Gold looks like such a good book! I've never read a retelling like it before.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!


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