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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday (Yes I am late) - Characters Who Should Get Their Own Books

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and Bookish  . This week we are show casing that top ten characters who should have their own books.

1) Morwen from the Dealing with Dragon Chronicles-
By Patricia C Wrede

She has a SECTION in one of the books told from her POV, but she should have a WHOLE book devoted just to her and her talking cats and magical house with the door to every where. She is an unconventional witch and if you have't read this series yes do so very fast.

Okay bare with me...This novel is told from everyone's POV but the title character!! He should have his own book all from his own perspective.

3)Delia Peabody from the In Death series- by JD Robb

This series is from Eve Dallas POV and they are super great, futuristic murder mystery....Some of my favorite books. But a book about Peabody all by herself fighting crime or her family and WHY she wanted to become a cop, maybe her time at the academy would be awesome

4)The House in The Fall- by Bethany Griffin

The book was great, but it's POV Madeline and she talks about the jealous killing house....I would love to see it all from the House perspective, why did the house drive members of the family crazy and want them to breed?

5)The Marauders from Harry Potter by JK Rowling-

Self Explanatory I think.

6)Simi- the demon girl from the Dark Hunter Series-

She lives on Ash's body...but what else? I think this would be a fun novella....What does she do when Ash banishes her while he humps Artemis?? Etc...

7)The Vord Queen from Jim Butchers Furies of Calderon Codex series-

She's like a scary giant bug woman who looks like Tavi's beloved, but how she was written makes me think there might have been more to her than straight evil bug queen.

8)Mr. Stab from Simon R Green's Secret Histories novels-

Immortal serial killer, Jack the Ripper? Hells yes please.

9)The Nightside (A users guide...or travel book) From the Nightside Novels by Simon R Green-

Unconventional I know, but I keep a list of all the people and places in a notebook and think that would be a fun companion novel to this series.

10) Elizabeth Bathory's victims in ANY book about her.-

I mean seriously we always hear from Elizabeth and her servants, why not her victims? Maybe one who got away.


  1. Great list! I actually think that Marauders from Harry Potter would be pretty interesting to learn more about!

  2. Love the idea of basing a book on the victims or The House in The Fall (which is on my shelf and I really need to read!) Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  3. Yeah for Simi and Peabody! I would also love to read about the Marauders view of things in HP. I have to try the Dealing with Dragons series soon. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Okay, I haven't read most of these books but I am so with you on Dracula. The Count's perspective would be so interesting.


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